Sandra’s abiding passion through her career has been her interest in improving the lives of older persons.  She has worked in health, social services, employment policy, policy, program development, advocacy and professional association environments – all with a strong work focus on helping meet needs of older persons.

She has developed creative programming, elder abuse specialty programs, senior learning and teaching programs, specialized counselling services and many other programs at the front line, middle management and senior management levels.
She has responded to changes in government legislation as it has impacted the lives of elders, chaired community, professional and institutional committees and presented in high profile government and press environments on behalf of elders.
As she watched the profound impact of organizations on the lives of the persons served by the organizations through the first 20 years of her professional career, she returned to school to complete her PhD studying the relationship between organizations and the older people served.

Now, supported by her work as an instructor in social work and leadership programs in universities, she has founded and renewed her energy in her work with Commonpoint Service Inc. Here, she applies all she learned earlier to meet her dominant goal – improving the lives of older persons.

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